Hannah ship trip -Charlie

于去年参观Douglas ship后一年后的今天(2010年8月22日)主恩堂的大专生共有33位弟兄姐妹再次踏上 Hannah Ship零距离的接触,互相联谊,了解他们的事工。透过这个的参观让我们大开眼界从中学习他们同工服侍的精神。在这个交流的过程中,我们有敬拜赞美,分享,参观,破冰和一段的学习舞蹈时光。大家都非常享受这段的时光将会是我们一个很美好的回忆。

First the all, we feels glad and thanksgiving gives us the valuable moment to knowing the Hannah Ship’s operation function and ministries. Here are the several pray items need brothers and sisters in Christ to pray for them.

1. Multiformity- by the missionary touring to Asian-Micronesian countries, we are providing multiformal activities for them such as evangelical work, church planning, theological education, and medical work.

2. Educability-we are providing any boarding applications with on board seminary for 2 years. Alternatively, with months of short-term education, they can learn about languages, cross-culture, community living, and relationship.

3. Mobility- thanks to the condition that 76% of the earth is surrounded by seven seas, we can reach out to anywhere through seaports. We are offering very effective mission works by the equipments we have as well as well-trained manpower.

4. Specificity- we can provide specified mission works for the people by the ship’s mobility and multi-nasional missionaries we are. As we unify our spiritual gift and talent in each team, we are offering advanced-country typed missionary works and trying to make it better.

5. Eveangelism and church planting. Eveangelism and church planting are the primary tasks of the M/V Hannah II.

6. On-Board Seminary. The seminary on the M/V Hannah II will provide practical theological education for national Christian workers who would not otherwise be able to receive training, thus supporting church planting and church growth two-thirds world countries. The M/V Hannah II can provide an excellent mobile missionary training center.

7. Medical ministry. In addition to our existing dental department, on-board medical services will help local people open their hearts and draw them into the ship, where they are experience GOD’s love and care in practical ways, moreover, it enable people to find answers to their spiritual needs while having their physical needs met.

8. Shipment of relief goods. The M/V Hannah Ship II will be able to ship a large amount of relief goods immediately to disaster areas, and to ship some needed equipment and materials for building churches.

For further information, u may surf to website: www.hannah.or.kr

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