
I come from a christian family. My grandfather is a pastor. When I was young, my family will go to the “Kampung” near bintangor there to spend some nights there. There was once, when I finish my UPSR, then my parents did agree with my suggestion of living with my grandparents for three weeks. During the stay that time, i am much exposed to a life of my grandfather. Every Sunday, my grandfather would go to the church jus next door of his house, to worship the Lord. At that time, I didn’t quite understand what “pastor” or “servant of God” means actually. Even “Bible” seems not relevant to me or my life.

Years passed by, when I was in primary 4, I got the news that my grandfather is in coma. That time, amazingly, a voice whispers in my mind:“ask, and it will be given to you...”Then I started to kneel down my bed and start to pray. My prayer that time is v simple, because I never pray seriously before. Before my grandfather died, I prayed nearly the same every day. By the time, I asked my grandmother, why she doesn’t look sad when my grandfather died? She replied my this: because I believe God will take good care of him. I still don’t know the meaning until the time when I was in form 5.

During that time, my mom was confirmed of suffering from the final stage of cancer. The most unfortunate thing is that even the professionals can’t find the source of the cancerous cells. For two n half years, my mom keep entering hospitals for chemotherapy, treatment check-up, and all sorts of torturing that seems non-stop. There was one time I accidentally overheard that my mom asked my dad to just “let go”, but my dad refused. My grandmother is with me so I assumed she heard that as well. She takes my hand n walks into the room. She asked my mom to pray together. It is that long prayer that inspires me. I asked my grandmother why she can always pray so long and yet, seem like knowing what to say when she prays. She asked me to learn to give thanks for anything, life, feelings, family and friends, and many more.

By the same time, I start reading the bible, n pray. I started by reading the New Testament. Once I have any question, she will help me. From her, especially during the time when my mom was sick, I saw how a faithful servant behaves when things around were falling apart. She teaches me to have faith and never complained even it was hard sometimes. I also learn to serve, give freely in church. I learned that 10 % of our income is a must to give to God. Now I’m reading the Old Testament, which is quite bored for me before. Now I am able to read it without sleeping half way. Thanks be to God. After I enter university, I learned the true meaning of prayer. I am truly blessed to let Jesus enter my life.

006 邦耀

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